Message from Hamish Adams, CEO Athletics Ireland.
We are very conscious that our membership is anxious to return to training and competition when the Government allows us to exit the current Level 5 lockdown. We continue to discuss and lobby for a return for athletics on a weekly basis with representatives of the Sport Ireland Expert Group and other key decision makers. We do note that in the recently released Resilience and Recovery Covid19 document that there is provision for a return to activity for outdoor, non-contact training in pods of 15 at Level 4. We see this as a very positive development for our sport.
We greatly appreciate the patience you have all shown during these pandemic times and we commit to regular, transparent communication with our stakeholders. We will share any developments on the re-opening of sport from the Sport Ireland Expert Group as we receive them.
The country remains at level 5 until April 5th and all sporting activity is on hold awaiting further guidance from Government. Full details of level 5 restrictions can be found HERE.